I don't have much practice with Wet Plate, namely to have the "right" to do an "article" about "how do I made my Wet Plate":-).
I used this technique in 2013, I enjoyed the experience, but I was not adept. One of the reasons was the risk of the process. And the difficulty too. The magic, it is unique in this process: we have little more than a few minutes between making the glass photosensitized and use it and develop and fix!!! Magical and unique in this respect! From what I have read, I leave you these two wonderful notes. These do not require a presentation or any other description of the wet plate process:
The Wet Plate process:a working guide, by Mark Osterman
http://disactis.com/ambrotype/ambrotype.php Disactis: Ambrotype - Histoire et fabrication
And my first Wet Plate, August 6, 2013
Zeiss Ikon Orix (Trix)
9x12 cm glass