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Writer's pictureBárbara Morais

How do I make my Photosensitized egg shell

Photosensitized egg shell whit gelatin-silver bromide emulsion (100ml H20+4gr BrK+6 gr AgNo3+ 10 gr gelatin)

Enlarger (Durst M670 BW - f4,5) to positivate image in the egg - exposure: 10 seg

Developer done by me, as Lionel Turban formula (1LH20 genol gr + 2 gr genol + 35 g sodium sulphite + 5 + 25 gr Hydroquinone + 25 gr Potassium Carbonate + 1 g Potassium Bromide) - 10 min

Fixed with Rapid Fixer

My first photography on a photosensitized egg shell whit my gelatin-silver bromide emulsion homemade- March 2015

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